Make More Money As A Travel Nurse

Nursing is one of the oldest, most dignified, and most honorable professions in existence. This profession is the art of healing, of caring – the most important aspect of all humanity. Besides becoming a doctor, nursing is also a solid and prudent career choice, as nurses are in extraordinarily high demand around the country today. However, there is a dirty little secret that the administrators of skilled nursing facilities and hospitals around the world don’t want you to know: you can earn more money, get better benefits, and live the lifestyle you want as a travel nurse, unbeholden to the requests of anyone but yourself.

Live Free

The freedom these contracts allow you is the ability to choose where and how you live, to a degree that most people can only dream of. When you become a registered nurse, you are absolutely guaranteed a job somewhere in the country. Nurses are desperately needed around the country as part of a national labor shortage, due in large part to the Covid pandemic. There are many types of nursing staff needed, such as:

  • RN
  • CNA
  • Health Information Systems

Show Me The Money

Turning into a travel Nurse - it's more epic than many assume
Sometimes, a contract for a travel nurse is not all about figures, or rather, offers housing. Source: Unsplash

When you decide to become a travel nurse, you can make more money than at your regular job, and reap the benefits of a stronger bargaining position and a more diverse and experiential lifestyle. When you agree to a contract as a travel nurse, it will usually be for a period of months. Many times, these contracts also offer housing, sometimes on top of your salary.

According to Indeed, the average national salary of a travel nurse is around $116,000, promise a 6 figures salary. This is far above the average salary of around $80,000 for non-transient workers. For those who are seeking a freer, more interesting, and diverse lifestyle, travel nursing is a lucrative and wise path to pursue.

Heroes of Our Time

Without the actions of nursing and hospital staff during the Covid pandemic, we would have had a desperate lack of care when we needed it most, and suffered greater losses than we did. Many holes were filled by traveling nurses, who were willing to take a leap of faith and move their lives somewhere that they were needed.

Many times, these actions saved real people’s lives, people that still walk today. This is the reason why nursing is an excellent and necessary career choice for those who are willing to take on the sacred art of healing and caring for others like themselves.

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Charlotte Antalia

Charlotte decided to become a full-time freelancer, and she has a strong urge to polish her style and pursuit a content-based career path. In her writing career, she adopts her years of experience in education and financial institution to create far-out reads from job interviews' tips, work, and business strategies. Better yet, her personal experience navigating career switching and tactics to deal with the work environment hurdles will bring practical, precious expertise and command to all readers. Off we go and get the vibe!