Earning A Seat On The Judge’s Bench: How Much Do Judges Make?

Even if some of us have never stepped inside a courtroom, we feel like we already know how they look, more or less. Thanks to legal dramas like “Kramer vs.…

Mean Girls: The Fetchest High School Comedy That Defined A Generation Of Queen Bees And Wannabes

Janis Ian, a wise philosopher, once said, “There are two kinds of evil people in this world. Those who do evil stuff and those who see evil stuff being done…

What Does PTA Stand For: A Ubiquitous Acronym

When you hear PTA, the first thing that might come to your mind is Parent Teacher’s Association, the most common use for the acronym. Even when you Google, ‘’What does…

The Unpronounceable Name Game: How To Pronounce Givenchy

In 1995, a movie that critics voted for as one of the worst films was released. This movie was Showgirls. It was a movie that was categorized as so-bad-it’s-good and…

The Swing Shift Life: What You Should Know Working Unconventional Hours

Working from Monday to Friday and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. is most employees’ commonly known working day and hours. Most people shorten it as an expression “9 to…

How Much Does A Cop Make An Hour: The Future Of The Police Force?

Recently, the police force is under scrutiny because of the Black Lives Matter Movement. Different aspects of the job have been criticized, from the qualifications to the job, per se.…

Laura Mulvey And Her Writings That Changed Our Visual Pleasure And The Narrative Of Cinema

The number of people dropping feminism and the male gaze in daily conversations these past few years is astounding. So much that Merriam-Webster hailed the former as the word of…

The Job That Could Save Our Future: How To Become An Arborist?

In recent times, we have been barraged with information about climate change and how our actions help to either speed it up or slow it down. Between the two, it’s…

10 Signs To Spot A Gamer In Real Life

Throughout video game development, gamers have also evolved. How to spot a gamer in real life? How many signs do you get? It was in October 1958 when a physicist…

A Brief Overview Of A Radiologist’s Job And Salary

Radiologists are medical practitioners who operate X-rays and other machines with high radiation. They help identify if there is anything that we should be concerned about regarding our health. If…