If you’re seeking a new job and sending out your applications, you may be asked to take an open interview with your potential employers. Then a lot of questions pop up in your mind. What is an open interview? How to handle employers’ questions? You will do fine after looking at our guide on the open interview below.
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What Is An Open Interview?
An open interview is used when recruiters ask applicants to the company and interview one applicant after another. The candidates compete against each other by showing their experience, skills, and qualifications to persuade the recruiters to employ them.
An open interview is sometimes also called a walk-in job interview. If you wonder what “walk-in interview” means, you don’t have to second guess yourself. Because the name says the meaning: the applicants walk in, and the interview starts. Does this mean that these are on-the-spot interviews?
An open interview is not always on-the-spot, especially for popular job vacancies. You should expect some traditional characteristics of a job interview, and other sessions according to the company preference!
The Different Types Of Interviews
There are several ways a recruiter can carry out a job interview. Sometimes, it can be an informal interview where the recruiter discusses with the applicant more casually. In other cases, some companies prefer to have applicants sit for case interviews. These interviews are appropriate for recruiters seeking candidates with remarkable problem-solving skills or outstanding qualifications.
Besides, a group interview is also a kind of interview that recruiters often use. Though it can be more helpful than the one-on-one interview, it could be a nightmare for some applicants. On the contrary, being in a panel job interview can be as stressful. Especially when you are by yourself answering to a panel of experienced interviewers, you need strong nerves to pull that through. But speaking of open interviews, are they as stressful?
How Is An Open Interview Different?
An open interview will involve a group of applicants coming in at once and competing against one another for a particular position. Once you know what an open interview is, you may acknowledge that it’s one of the most challenging types of interviews. However, each interview is one-on-one and in a closed meeting room. The interview can be informal or job-related, and it may vary for different applicants.
These days, more and more companies use open interviews as a way to save their time. Understandably, some applicants don’t show up for the interviews. Such lack of professionalism affects the interviewer and delays the organization schedule. Hence, more companies shift to open interviews to increase their chances of finding new appropriate employees in time.
What To Do When You Are Informed Of An Open Interview?
Knowing well what an open interview is, you can prepare yourself for it. Open interviews are available only in a particular timeline, and you should present yourself during this time. It is first-come, first-serve, but it doesn’t mean that early applicants can be more successful than ones coming later. Still, Jobandedu highly recommends you arrive be on time and prepare yourself while waiting.
Commonly, the open interview can be a public notice from the recruiter. The interview time and requirements can be available on their social media, website, and recruitment platforms. Therefore, anyone can see the post and come in for the interview. You have to try your best to stand out among various competitors for a particular job opening.
Importantly, casual as this open interview may sound, you must show up smartly. You can choose the traditional suit and tie or casual smart attires if you’re applying for a more relaxed position. A tip is to imagine how you would dress if you’re working in that position. Then, you can easily choose what you should wear to the interview. And avoid overdressing. Instead, just dress for the job!
What Is The Best Time To Arrive For The Open Interview?
Though it’s not firmly based that early applicants are more successful, you should come as early as you can. Doing that will save you from over-worrying for the interview. Also, you can be more likely to win even for competitive positions. On the other hand, if you arrive mid-day or later, the long line will wear you out. Suppose you are fourth in line. Possibly, you can feel uncomfortable waiting, especially in an interview. It just gets on your nerves!
In worse cases, you might not even have a chance to interview at all because the open-interview day ends before your slot. Hence, prepare yourself the day before the open interview, and arrive as early as possible. You can prepare for an open interview similarly to what you do with a traditional one. Then, you can maintain a confident mood on the interview day.
What Will The Open-interview Recruiter Ask You?
Again, an open interview is very similar to a traditional one regarding interview questions. The recruiter would be interested to know your educational background, work experience, and qualifications for the vacancy. You are more likely to face some questions like why you are interested in working with them and how you would benefit the organization.
You can list down all of the traditional interview questions and prepare your answers well. Other applicants coming in for this walk-in interview have prepared well, so you need to do your best. They can also possess better backgrounds or skill sets than yours. Thus, your job is to persuade the recruiter during your interview slot that you’re the most suitable for the position.
What To Ask Your Recruiter In An Open Interview?
In an interview, employers often give a chance for applicants to ask questions. You can ask the usually asked questions, or you can get creative with the open-interview situation. Importantly, you need to clarify the information about the job offerings before moving to creative questions. You can ask as many questions as they allow.
Honesty is the best policy. For an open interview, you can ask the recruiter frankly about your suitability for the job. Some may refuse to answer, but others can give you a clear idea of your chances. Sometimes, having enough information to lower your expectations helps finish one interview and continue with another.
You Attended The Open Interview, And What’s Next?
Of course, now you have to follow up with the recruiter! You might see a long line of applicants at the walk-in-interview. Thus, you should send in a thank-you email as soon as you can. It helps the recruiter have a better idea of who you are. In some cases, it helps you have more chances to succeed if you share the same skills with other applicants.
It is best if you get the contact of the recruiter during the interview. However, you can also contact the human resources department to know when the result is out. If you are not yet successful with this open interview, you can ask them to keep your record for upcoming openings for similar positions. After all, there will always be organizations for which we would love to work.
Whatever Types Of Interview, Your Preparation Counts
However restless or desperate you may be, never apply for just any position. Once you send in your application, you should be aspired to work in that particular position at that company, and you have reasons to choose so. From that, you will best prepare yourself for the interview, physically and mentally.
Now that you know what an open interview is and how on-the-spot interviews work, you should feel more confident to prepare yourself. Know your answers to the potential questions, show up presentable and as early as possible, and be sincere about your enthusiasm. If you are qualified for the job and enthusiastic about it, any recruiter would be glad to recruit you. And from there, a success story is to be told.