Data Science Jobs Near Me? It’s More Than Strong Coding

Data scientist appears to be a super-engineering and technology career with a steep learning curve. If you are interested in “data science jobs near me“, try to learn more about this position; the entry criteria are not as complicated as you might feel.

After the Covid-19 outbreak, the US economy and the rest of the world must accelerate the digital transformation process to restore and reform economic strategy. According to the “2021 Robert Half Technology Salary Guide,” data science is one of the “critical technology roles.” The prospects and earnings for workers in this industry are also very promising.

Perhaps you’re on the lookout for “data science jobs near me“. Any of the following skills would be immensely beneficial in helping you plan for your future career.

Data Science? Told by a Data Scientist

Data Scientist – Who Are They?

They are experts in gathering, analyzing, and publishing data on the macroscopic level, especially financial matters and income.

A data scientist, for example, can predict and analyze revenue statistics based on a company’s policies set over a certain period to assess how effective those policies are.

They are market analysts who specialize in predicting the performance of a series of business shifts, policies, or strategies. The company owner would then determine whether or not to enforce the improvements or policies.

In reality, data scientists may work in various fields, including healthcare, IT, finance, retail, and marketing.

Data Scientist - Who Are They?
Speed up results in the public sector with data science. Source:

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From the key business fields (technology, manufacturing, financial services, healthcare – health) to organizations in academia, non-profit organizations, or governments, all forms of economic organizations require more and more data science specialists.

As a result, the rivalry within the community of skilled individuals becomes much more intense.

How Promising Is The Data Science Job Outlook?

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) forecasts a 15% rise in computer and information scientist jobs by 2029. Since the overall projected employment growth for all occupations in the United States is just 4%, this is far higher than the norm.

What is it that has sparked such a high demand for data scientists? Data processing is used in a variety of ways by different sectors and companies. To achieve set out goals, business owners must increase efficiency, streamline processes, optimize budget and still get the best results. Hence, they often need experts to assist them in predicting policy progress and making decisions.

When the amount of data needed processing grows, so does the demand for highly skilled and trained data scientists. They are playing an increasingly important role in the IT and finance divisions of the company, from writing algorithms to mining data to forecasting performance.

Not only do data scientists’ career prospects look promising in the coming years, but skilled workers with data science expertise may also pursue lucrative opportunities like:

  • Machine learning engineer
  • Enterprise architect
  • Infrastructure architect
  • Data engineer

The four occupations mentioned above all earn more than $100,000 a year on average. Isn’t this awesome news for a data science grad student?

One piece of expert advice: if you’re interested in data science in the healthcare sector, you should consider studying both accounting and business sectors simultaneously. The more areas you are acquainted with, the easier it would be to change jobs and move up the career ladder. The work market is constantly shifting!

Data Science Segment: Well-paid And Competitive Salary

Data Science Segment: Well-paid And Competitive Salary
How about their income? Source: miro.medium

Data Scientists’ Income

The median national salary for a data scientist is $ 129,000, according to the “Robert Half Technology Salary Guide for 2021.”

In 2019, the average annual salary for computer scientists was $ 122,840, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics – BLS. This is a big sum, and it’s $ 83,030 more than the national average. The average gross wage in the United States for all occupations.

Furthermore, the field’s pay scale indicates a sizable revenue stream: the lowest 10% of data scientists receive about $ 70,000 per year. Meanwhile, the top ten percent of the population earns about $ 190,000 a year.

You might not earn $ 190,000 a month as a data scientist, but that doesn’t mean you can’t reach an average of $ 122,840.

For those who have recently graduated from university, your starting salary may be lower than this average salary if you only have a bachelor’s degree and little experience. Your income is influenced by the number of years you’ve worked, your experience, expertise, and geographic position. By and large, data science is a highly competitive sector.

Compare To Other Relevant Jobs In The Segment 

  1. Data scientist’s average salary: $139,840
  2. Machine learning engineer’s average salary: $114,826
  3. Machine learning scientist’s average salary: $114,121
  4. Applications architect’s average salary: $113,757
  5. Enterprise architect’s average salary: $110,663
  6. Data architect’s average salary: $108,278
  7. Infrastructure architect’s average salary: $107,309
  8. Data engineer’s average salary: $102,864
  9. Business intelligence (bi) developer’s average salary: $81,514
  10. Statistician’s average salary: $76,884
  11. Data analyst’s average salary: $62, 453
  12. Entry-level business intelligence analyst’s salary: $56,000
  13. Director of data science’s salary: $156,004

Jobs Description: What Responsibilities A Data Scientist Undertake?

data science jobs near me - Jobs Description: What Responsibilities A Data Scientist Undertake?
What does a data scientist do? – Data science jobs near meSource: duhocinec

The role of a Data Scientist is to use data to assist businesses in making decisions. A data scientist’s roles and duties are as follows:

  • Using various methods like analyzing business outcomes or establishing and monitoring new studies to gather data.
  • Changing the format of data to make it more suitable for research.
  • Developing new, creative data collection systems.
  • Searching and investigating essential information.
  • Creating business-related reports and presentations.
  • Finding actionable information by combining related data.
data science jobs near me - Changing the format of data to make it more suitable for research
AI is closely related to Data Science. Source:

Best Tips For Getting Science Jobs: Laying The Groundwork

5 Tips For Getting A Data Science Job

Here are several strategies for boosting the chances of landing a data science job:

Read Books About Data Coding, Online Data Analysis, And Statistics

First, look for data science and related topics online courses, in-depth video tutorials, or e-books. Coursera, Udacity,, DataCamp, edX are several useful online learning resources.

Accumulate Relevant Programming Skills

data science jobs near me - Accumulate Relevant Programming Skills
Data science and machine learning in an industrial context – data science jobs near me. Source:

Basic programming skills, such as SQL or Python, are needed to value your abilities. Due to the popularity of these two languages, you must also understand other requirements and the organization’s recruitment objectives to present the vital experience that must be on your CV.

Get To Know The Data Science Community

It’s a smart idea to join an online data science group. Joining any of the LinkedIn groups for data science experts would allow you to keep in touch with the influential mentors and peers in that network. These experts are likely to provide you recommendations on how to break into the data science field more rapidly. What’s more, reading informative blogs is also beneficial.

Construct Your Own Data Science Projects

Construct your data science projects if at all necessary because this will bring a great advantage in the recruiting process, showing your creativity and motivation for this job. To get started, do a fast Internet search for a wealth of science project ideas for starters.

Should You Become a Data Scientist?

All in all, data scientists are becoming more and more important in many organizations. They aid in the growth of sales and information discovery to boost companies’ profits and revenue.

The increased demand for this industry represents businesses taking big data more seriously and seeking better ways to handle it.

Daniel Gutierrez – editor of insideBIGDATA, told Forbes, “The word on the street is there’s definitely a shortage of people who can do data science.” Try searching for “data science jobs near me” right now if you’re keen on the field. It would help you gain a decent wage and exciting opportunities ahead of you.

Jobandedu is all set to provide more in-depth career advice for all you guys. Stay informed with our latest updates.


Ellie - a go-getter in the content creating industry.  Since 2016, she has been actively engaged in writing and career guidance. Simply put, Ellie realized that what truly drives her is advising and coaching people on the path to self-discovery. She currently works with JobandEdu as a researcher and writer. Ellie's articles serve as advice columns for people at a crossroads in their careers or who can't make up their minds. She guides them through determining a pathway, job hunting, overcoming hurdles at work, and the multiple tip-top tools on the go. She also regularly shares her perspectives on topics piquing her curiosity or providing her with actionable insights.