Covid-19 makes it more challenging than ever to get a job. Most companies are switching to work remotely and recruit through the phone call. You’ve been applying for your dream job and waiting for days, weeks, or even months. What would happen if you missed your phone interview or the phone interviewer never called?
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You Miss The Call And The Phone Interviewer Never Called Back
At this point, you will panic when you haven’t received a single call back from the interviewers. It’s understandable to feel worried when this happens, but here are three smarter ways to consider if you miss a recruiter’s call.
1. Make A Call Back.
After clearing all of your hassles, don’t make a call right away but don’t keep it too long. It’s recommended to call the interviewer back after 20-30 minutes, that is always better than texting. It allows you to connect with the interviewer immediately.
Before your call, take a 5 minutes break for breathing and make sure your phone connection is good and you’re in a quiet place that nothing can disturb you. Now, dial your interviewer’s phone number and show your confidence. If they are not picking up your phone, try the second way to send a rescheduling email.
2. Send Them An Email To Reschedule.
It’s a great idea to send a follow-up email to reschedule your interview. Here’s the example:
(Name of the interviewer),
I just left a voicemail for you at (your phone number). You did call me for an interview at 3 p.m., but I wasn’t available at that moment. It could be a great opportunity for me if I have a chance to talk with you. I hope that you are OK. I’ll be available for_____, so please get in touch to reschedule.
Thank you.
(Your name)
After rescheduling on the phone:
(Name of the interviewer),
I’m happy that we have rescheduled our interview. To confirm, we’ll be talking at … . this Friday, and you’ll call me at (your phone number). I’m looking forward to it.
Best regards,
(Your name)
If you don’t receive any response from the interviewer for a certain amount of time, you will likely fail the interview. Be prepared and go for the next interview with confidence.
3. Be Organized For Your Next Interview.
You’ve missed the interviewer’s call, and there was a reason behind that. You need to figure out why it happened and avoid it for the next phone interview. Here’re a few tips that you should follow:
- Be ready 30 minutes before the call.
- Make a phone call in a quiet place to avoid any disturbance.
- Refuse to take anyone’s phone 30 minutes before the call.
One important thing you should keep in mind is to relax. Don’t be too nervous about the call. It will show that you are not confident about yourself and can’t be a good future candidate.
Interview Said They Would Call But Didn’t
If you’ve rescheduled your phone interview, but your phone interviewer never called on the scheduled time. It would be best if you tried to leave a short message stating your name, the reason you’re calling, along with your contact number. It’s necessary to emphasize how long you can wait for the next interview and ask if you’re on for the interview.
Here is an email option you can adapt:
Follow-up Email
Dear Ms/Mr ____________,
I am just emailing you concerning our phone interview scheduled for_____ at _____ o’ clock. I did not receive a call, and I called you twice, but I couldn’t get in touch. Will there be a good time for us to start the interview? I will be able for_____; if the interview isn’t available at that time, I would be happy to have another reschedule interview.
Kind regards,
(Your Name)
After your interview call ended. What’s next? And How do you know if you pass or not? It’s hard to know if your recruiter is impressed or disappointed with your interview when you can’t see their face and expression. Check out three signs indicating that you fail in the interview.
Phone Interviewer Never Called – How To Know If You Failed A Phone Interview?
1. The Call Ended, And You Didn’t Know What Would Be Next.
If you are one suitable person for the job, they will generally tell you what’s next at the end of the call and schedule a face-to-face interview before ending it. If they just told you to be in touch but did not say when and then hung up, it may be a bad sign indicating that you failed the interview.
2. You Took Too Much Time To Come Up With The Answer.
Sometimes you may keep silent when you don’t know how to reply to a question and spend too much time moving on to the next one; it will show that you’re not well-prepared for this interview.
Try to practice yourself and get ready for the common questions in most of the interviews, so you will not face the same situation again.
3. The Mood Of The Call
You can feel the excitement in the air while talking to your interviewer when they like your answer. Conversely, if your recruiter might not be satisfied with your answers, the interview’s atmosphere will get worse. Consequently, you are likely to fail the interview then.
In Summary
Missing an interview call could make you panic at first, but it is not the end of the world.
Follow the three mentioned alternatives to move on when you missed your interviewer’s call or the phone interviewer never called you back. It’s recommended to learn from your mistakes. “It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get back up.” —Vince Lombardi.
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